Comentarios de TRAXXTERROR (23) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Only a single tall Black Marker sticks up from the ground as if it's a gravestone with an unusual energy flowing throw it. - 2024-02-25
The devastating Anti-Matter Explosion left Traxxterror devoid of life. The Red NRG pulses within is stitched up barren world. - 2024-02-25
The Red NRG slowly pulled in pieces of the world after the Cosmic Storm had ravaged the planet. - 2024-02-18
With the Super Blackhole having now been sealed only pieces of the once ultra massively huge planet float in total darkness colliding into other pieces. - 2024-02-01
Post Dyson Drone Attack;The barren planet's surface still smokes and burns from the intergalactic attack by the Dunaman.The Red Sun absorbing so much Anti matter a massive Black Hole was left. - 2024-01-31
remains. The massive Super Blackhole ever so slowly about to suck Traxxterror into its void to The Beyond. - 2024-01-22
All the portals that would randomly appear across Traxxterror no longer do. Few have access to return to the scorched and blistered planet. Only the Red Energy pulsing within the core. - 2024-01-22
backwards forcefully. In addition like a spider web it will send a psychic signal to the Terror of Traxx to hunt down what tried to escape. - 2020-10-11
These portals range in size and color. From 10' in diameter to 1 mile in diameter. Blue are entry points. Red are Exiting points on to Traxx. Attempting to enter an exit point with repel you .c - 2020-10-11
The anomaly of Traxx is the appearing of rifts all over the entire planet. Billions of rifts that lead to other realms. There are entry portals, exit portals, some go both ways. - 2020-10-11
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