Nymph_ Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Sexo: Mujer
Buscando: Ambos
País: Japan
Descripción: Nymph is 4'7 weighs 63lbs. she is an Angeloid,with long powder blue tresses that fall passed her knees,& ultramarine colored optics, her wings are not feathers & instead are more like the iridescent wings of an insect that change color
Estado civil: No definido
Origen Étnico: Asiático/Oriental
Altura: Menos de 152 cm
Tipo de Cuerpo: Delgado/a
Hábitos de Fumar: No fumador
Trabajo: Angeloid:Type Beta.
Intereses To her mood. She usually wears an extremely short dress that barely reaches the stretches of her legs with black vertical stripes going down the front that goes to her thighs, and white gloves that go up to the elbows.